"I was just looking for something particular and unusual, but comfortable at the same time so I didn't feel to stiff when dancing... so I tought about shorts and some kind of top and my weared-out boots! so I went sneaking in my fathers wardrobe and found this valentino shirt, and then in my mothers wardrobe to find a belt!"
Shirt: Valentino, from father closet
Belt: Vintage, from mother closet
Shorts: Bershka
Boots: N.O.D.
Bag: Barbara Boner
Bracelet: Made by her cousin
Belt: Vintage, from mother closet
Shorts: Bershka
Boots: N.O.D.
Bag: Barbara Boner
Bracelet: Made by her cousin

Shirt: Vintage, bought @ Napoleone, Milan
Jeans: Meltin' Pot
Sneakers: H&M
Socks: H&M
Braces: H&M
Glasses: bought in a toys stall
Bandana: found in the bottom of closet
Watch: Hellas, from father closet
Jeans: Meltin' Pot
Sneakers: H&M
Socks: H&M
Braces: H&M
Glasses: bought in a toys stall
Bandana: found in the bottom of closet
Watch: Hellas, from father closet

Dress: Evgenia Ostrovskaya
Belt: Vintage, herself since she was baby
Boots: Casanita
Bag: shopping in Verona
Watch: Too Late
Belt: Vintage, herself since she was baby
Boots: Casanita
Bag: shopping in Verona
Watch: Too Late

Shirt: found in his closet
Tee: made by a friend, inspired to the "Justice - D.A.N.C.E" videoclip
Jeans: Jo-Kang
Sneakers: Victoria
Glasses: Morwen
Tee: made by a friend, inspired to the "Justice - D.A.N.C.E" videoclip
Jeans: Jo-Kang
Sneakers: Victoria
Glasses: Morwen
Tee: H&M
Shirt: shopping in Barcelona
Glasses: found in a closet
Jeans: Cheap Monday
Espadrillas: Champ, found in the cellar
Shirt: shopping in Barcelona
Glasses: found in a closet
Jeans: Cheap Monday
Espadrillas: Champ, found in the cellar
inizio seconda stagione del Just Married Party con il botto...anzi con i botti !!! Eh si, veri e propri fuochi d'artificio ai bastioni vicino alla stazione FS di Verona. Peccato non averli visti bene...infatti stavo correndo all'entrata visto l'enorme ritardo causato da una chilometrica coda in autostrada. Cassius picchia bene, anzi qualcuno è stupito... "ma non era quello che faceva le canzoni quelle un po' cosi? " , bella atmosfera, bella e tanta gente. Peccato che i bar abbiano finito in fretta le provviste alcooliche... cosa credevate che gli sbirri ci abbiano fatto paura venerdì scorso?
ps. si ero io lo stronzo in parte ai Cassius sul palco.
ma si pim! tu sui palchi ci stai bene!
Ilinca has a great dress. i like the combination - doll dress and those boots. looks cool.
"ps. si ero io lo stronzo in parte ai Cassius sul palco."
no dico...e allora? ma quanto sei sfigato
... me la tiro.
e tu?...tu chi sei?
Gosh, everything is so spontaneous, so 'vintage', so 'found in the granpa's closet', so 'shopping in the middle of nowhere', i'm almost feeling sick! RIDICULOUS.
Brain: found in the closet
Attitude: fake, snobbish, 'i wanna look like', i'm so cool no one could ever be like me.
Accessorizing: everything goes, just say it's vintage.
ehy "so fake" ... why don't we can believe it? It's too strange?
What about you?
Outifit: prepared by my mother?
and I bet that are you the Anonimous that today comment the other post...
Anonimous...but what the f**k are you!?
non sono granche' gli ultimi style. pim.
sembrano tanto:
vorrei ma non posso, anzi non ci arrivo, ma me sento fiko!
comuqnue ottimi altre photos in the pas.
ciao sono il ragazzo con la camicia a quadri ke hai fotografato al concerto dei low frequency club il 13/09/08 nn riesco a trovare il tuo indirizzo mail,nn è ke potresti scriverlo qua nei commenti.grazie
allora...lo vedi in alto a destra sotto la descrizione del sito...
allora...lo vedi in alto a destra sotto la descrizione del sito...
I have to agree with "so fake" and honestly I can't understand why this blog is linked in so much pages.
I can understand that not everybody could be talented as "the Face hunter" but damn, looking at this pages seems that Italians have lost their style!
boring, snobbish, fake and wannabe people...
true people with true outfit.
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