Sunday, 14 June 2009

09/06/09 2357 That's way of creating @ Showroom 2357, Milano

Alessandra / 18 / student

"I dream to be soft punk, but is not simple...takes a lot of time!
in the photo i was wearing super basic stuff because i knew that i would add a pice of the shooting i did for this presentation"

1. Where do you come from?
Milano, a city that would seem a big one, but in the reality is small. But maybe it can happen. To become small!
2. Where are you going?
I'm moving in a new city where I can do everything I dream to become in the future.
3. Where would you like to return?
At home .... sometimes
4. Your 3 albums of the moment
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
La Roux - Bulletproof
Tiga - Shoes
5. Last website you visited
Wikipedia for all day long
6. Last book you read
"Paura Liquida", by Zygmunt Bauman,
7. What have you had for breakfast?
American coffee with cake
8. Tell me a remarkable thing that makes me remind of you
That I dont like the name of your blog

Shirt: H&M
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood X Melissa
Leggins: American Apparel
Sweatshirt: 2357, prototype Shawna Trunk and Brittany Oliver realized, students of Facoltà del Design of Politecnico di Milano
Necklace: Pat Falcão


Anonymous said...

heyyyyy so SHAWNA TRUNK AND BRITTANY OLIVER designed and MADE this sweatshirt for the 2357 exhibit. so some credit would be nice ;-)

Ann said...

dov'è che ha preso le Melissa?
io ho quelle di Alexandre Herchcovitch (AH tennis verdi) e le ho prese a boys loft a bs. ma non ne tiene più, teneva anche quelle di vivienne westwood basse (VW Ultragirl).