"I love all kinds of knitwear, especially on cold winter days. At the moment I prefer soft colors so I wear my huge babyblue vintage coat almost everyday."
1. Where you come from?
Actually Upper Austria, but I've been in Vienna for two years now
2. Where are you going?
I was just going for a walk because the sun was shining
3. Where you would like to return?
to Oslo, great city
4. 3 albums of the moment
at the moment I'm listening to the Mittagsjournal on Ö1 every day
5. Last website you visited
6. Last book you read
"Le théâtre et son double" by Antonin Artaud and "Knitting for Dummies"
7. What have you had for breakfast?
Coffee and Wasa with butter
9. What I have to know about Vienna?
The Brunnenmarkt in Ottakring. You can buy great potatoes there.
Coat: vintage
Scarf: vintage
Headband: knitted it by myself
Trousers: American Apparel
Bag: H&M
Shoes: ome kind of little trashy store I cant remember the name of
The girl is so pretty!
Just find your blog and I love it! ((:
Come and check ours:
She looks awesome! And she is so pretty!
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